drop the shoulds

“I should’ve said that” “I shouldn’t have done that” “I should have said something earlier” “I shouldn’t have gone out with X” “I should’ve gone to the gym” How many times do you say (or think) “I should have done ABC” or “I shouldn’t have done XYZ”?

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We live in a world where bombardment of the senses has become the norm. Running through the park, music blaring through headphones. Walking while writing a text. A barrage of advertisement after advertisement. The relentlessness of email and social media. And so on. What is the effect of this overload?

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moving closer to source

As you move closer to the source of light, it becomes stronger. As you move closer to the source of a thought, it becomes more powerful. What is the source of a thought?

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restlessness is good

Restlessness in the seeker is the #1 tool of gaining enlightenment. It is the fire. It is the zeal. It is the discipline to see what you have achieved, where you are now and what needs to be done. It is the drive to work out how to close that gap.

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two types of change

How do you feel when you experience big changes in your life? • Do you feel excited and open or do you feel nervous and jumpy? • Are you welcoming of change or do you often find yourself on the back foot in reaction mode? • Does it feel smooth and positive or bumpy and uncomfortable? …

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you are not alone

We live in an age dominated by fear. Fear of change. Fear of the unknown. Fear of those who look different. Fear of those who think differently. Fear of those who have another name for God. Why?

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one of my favourite quotes

I’d like to share with you one of my favourite quotes from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who did so much to bring meditation to the world. When you are feeling a bit down, read this a few times and it will lift you up and bring about a shift in your outlook. Enjoy your life and …

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the keys to effective communication

One of the ways that I love to work with my clients is via one-on-one coaching because it often allows for more accelerated progress. I have been fortunate to have worked closely with one of the most experienced and perceptive coaches I know – my dear friend and ex-colleague, Debbie Mattsson-Clarke. Debbie and I have …

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