A very wise man recently said to me, “It is only time that makes one feel stressed”. Have you noticed that whenever you feel worked up or overwhelmed, everything in your body speeds up? Your heart rate increases, breathing becomes more rapid and the body heats up as molecules vibrate more quickly throughout your system. …
Read the full articlefinding a meditation teacher
It was not always easy to find a qualified meditation teacher. A few weeks back, while travelling here in India, I was given a sense of just how difficult it once was to be exposed to a spiritual tradition, much less study directly under an enlightened teacher. My partner Michael and I were trekking high …
Read the full articleconsciousness is a quantity
In response to the recent posting on ‘how wisdom works’ I received the following comment from a dear friend of mine: “I question whether people always do the best they can? I think in a lot of cases they could manage a lot better but choose to act badly anyway”. It is a legitimate question …
Read the full articlebusy doing
The other day I overheard someone talking on her phone. She said, “I’m not doing anything – I’m just resting”. It reminded me of how easy it is to undervalue the importance of taking time out to rest. In our fast-paced, hectic lives we can easily get caught in what I call ‘Busy Doing’. Busy …
Read the full articlestop drugging our children
As adults we have responsibility for the raising, education and nurturing of the next generation. We do this in many ways including the examples we set, the boundaries we create and the guidance we give. So when I read about the latest rise in the prescriptions of the stimulant drug Ritalin for our young children …
Read the full articlehow wisdom works
It is a blessing of God that we normally forget the past. Certainly the present is born of the past, but the fact remains that the past represents less developed states of consciousness, and the present belongs to a more developed state. Therefore it is only a loss to overshadow the more evolved present with memories …
Read the full articlerelationships part 2 – losing friends or progressive change?
I would like to share with you my answer to a recent question from a dear student of mine. Firstly her question: I wanted to ask you about something… I (shamefully) seem to be losing friends for no apparent reason – either through mis-understandings that are not even confrontational. Also at work, in the one …
Read the full articlelatest article in Natural Health magazine
I was recently featured in the lead article in Natural Health Magazine titled “Meditation Masterclass”. Special thanks to Stephanie Holland – a talented writer, blogger and expert in the field of conscious living through aromatherapy – for all her support in helping raise awareness of meditation by bringing it to the front page.
Read the full articleriots in the streets – what to do?
In the wake of the recent riots and agitation in England there has been A LOT of whipping up of rhetoric, finger pointing and dramatisation. Rather than engage in a regurgitation of all that, I’d like to address some important questions that come to mind.
Read the full articlerelationships part I – beginning with the Self
The topic I am most often asked to speak and write about is relationships. It is not surprising – relationships are the stuff of life. We live in the relative world and so by definition we live in relation to others and the world around us. At ALL times we are relating to someone or …
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